Metasung Premium


The Premium package is tailored to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical insights into the dynamic and often complex world of cryptocurrencies and Web3 technologies.

Want to go beyond Bitcoin? This package empowers beginners and intermediate learners to understand digital currencies, blockchain, and the emerging Web3 landscape.

Time Commitment

2-4 hours weekly


2-3 weeks





Comprehensive Course Offerings

The Premium package includes an array of modules, each focusing on different facets of stock market investing:

Blockchain Fundamentals

Introduction to Blockchain: Explore blockchain technology basic principles, history, and significance.

Blockchain in Practice: Understand blockchain’s real-world applications and implications across various industries.

Cryptocurrency Deep Dive

Cryptocurrency Basics: Grasp the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies, including how they work and their role in the digital economy.

Advanced Trading Strategies: Learn sophisticated techniques for buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies.

Exploring the Metaverse

Understanding the Metaverse: Discover the concept of the Metaverse, its components, and potential future developments.

Engaging with the Metaverse: Practical guides on navigating and investing in Metaverse platforms.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

NFT Basics: Introduction to NFTs, including how they are created, bought, sold, and their importance.

NFT Market Dynamics: Insights into the NFT market, trends, and how to identify potential investment opportunities.


The Evolution to Web3: Explore the transition from Web2 to Web3, focusing on decentralization, user empowerment, and blockchain integration.

Web3 Applications: Delve into the applications and implications of Web3 in various sectors.

Cryptocurrency Mining and DeFi

Mining Cryptocurrency: Understanding the process, benefits, and challenges of mining cryptocurrencies.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Comprehensive insights into DeFi protocols, platforms, and their impact on traditional finance.

Get Started Today!


I had always been intrigued by the stock market, but its complexities often left me feeling overwhelmed and hesitant to jump in.

That’s when I discovered Metasung’s Platinum package, and I can confidently say it has been a game-changer in my investment journey.

– Tina Jefferson


This information is intended solely for internal use within our portfolio. We encourage you to conduct independent research before making any investment decisions. Please note that we do not provide financial advice or legal services. Any investment choices are solely your responsibility and should not be influenced by any suggestions.